Saturday, January 13, 2018

New Year, New Goals

It’s that time of year where we all start making ‘resolutions’.  Even if you’re not the type to make New Year’s resolutions, you’ve probably found yourself setting goals for the new year.  Loosing weight/getting in better shape is probably the most common on, with spending more time with the family coming in a close second.  This year my goal has become very long term.  I’ve mapped out a five year plan for my professional growth that I’m setting into motion right now.  Mind you, it’s not a New Year’s resolution, but a new path and inspiration in life.  Oh yeah, and I need to shed a few pounds too!

Also with the new year comes the nearing of my annual review at work.  This will be my first true annual review as I was on a six month schedule that ended last year.  Now, one year into being a full Tech (not an apprentice), I can’t believe the time has flown by so quickly.  I also look back and can’t believe how much I’ve grown.  Just yesterday I was troubleshooting a REN Network going through a Cisco managed switch at a somewhat secure government laboratory facility.  When I started this job I not only didn’t know what a REN network was, I didn’t know what a managed switch was either.  Don’t get me wrong, they’re still a bit of a mystery to me, but I’m working on it.  And that’s what this is all about.

You see, as I have made my way down this path of being a controls technician, I’ve looked around a bit.  For the most part, everyone ahead of me is riding the wave.  They’re not paddling ahead of it, they’re not steering to one side or the other, they’re just getting their job done and learning what gets thrown at them.  I don’t see a lot of drive to go where no tech has gone before.  I don’t even see a lot of desire to improve the company, and this saddens me even more.  At my company, we preach the virtues of speaking up, being open and honest, and identifying room for improvement or growth.  Yet there seems to be very little drive in this direction.  In fact, as I’m rolling out my plan, I’m starting to feel as if there will be massive resistance to my plan.  What gives?

So my current advice to anyone out there looking to improve themselves and improve their company is exactly what I’m planning.  Improve yourself first, and that alone will drive positive change in those you spend the most time with.  Become a thought leader, and influence others through your own actions.  From there, watch your influence bring others up.  As others improve, so will your company, and before you know it you’ll have what you wanted all along.  But what if that’s not fast enough for you?  I feel your pain, as I doubt I can push my company as fast as my goals.  Perhaps somewhere down the line I’ll have to grow without my company, but for now I’m taking them as far as I can, kicking and screaming.

The next big hurdle I see before me is the industry as a whole.  While this is probably a whole series of posts in itself, I’ll leave you with something I picked up from the Building Science Podcast and have as my email tagline…
Design around people, and good buildings will follow.
Insist on a good building, and appropriate processes follow.

For an industry process to change, perspectives must change.